Artist Statement
As a child in Tampa, Florida, I would sit beside my father and watch him watercoloring in the family dining room. I loved to see the images and color take shape, and this eventually led me to my own ideas and attachment to art that is a part of me today. I went on to major in Art at the University of South Florida where I received first a B. A. and then an M. F. A.
I have always been interested in the human condition with all of its turmoil, conflicts, and ironies, and I think of my work as a doorway that leads me and others to unexpected destinations. Color is a dominant concern and a force in the makeup of each piece as I use contrast and turbulence to give the piece its structure and form. My artwork tells a story, perhaps several stories, that are not always apparent at the first viewing.
To me, struggle seeks resolution. Expression looks for a voice. How you control the confusion and the battle that ensues forms the meaning of the work.